Visual Ratio is the new face of the digital art services I've been providing to clients for some years now. I realised I needed to draw a distinction between these computer-based visualisation skills and those of the traditional painting work that I still do from time-to-time commercially (but far less frequently now). The focus of Visual Ratio is to bring visualisation services to innovators, entrepreneurs, designers, inventors and businesses across a broad spectrum. This includes creating and rendering digital 3D models to illustrate and contextualise new ideas and products before they go to manufacturing. This can be incredibly informative to the design process and also form the basis of marketing and information materials. Computer 3D will provide much of the content for up-coming technologies such as 3D printing, augmented reality and virtual reality, which will become much more familiar in the years to come. The digital tools and skills developed over my commercial career also provide scope to offer a range of extended services, including branding such as logos, digital image editing for web design, and vector artwork for CNC machine cutting. So I've been spending a lot of time developing the new website and getting processes into shape. I've also been transitioning onto a different computer 3D platform (Blender 3D) which offers a more comprehensive set of tools for modelling and rendering than I've been able to access up to now. I really like the enhanced photo-real renders I've been able to make so far and it'll only get better. The anvil model is from a tutorial I've been following to get right under the hood of how it all works. I love the new materials I've been able to create with the principled shader-system in Blender and the lighting is amazing.
All in all I'm feeling set for up-coming projects! Dan
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AuthorDaniel Rose is a UK digital creator and artist, working commercially for over 20 years. ArchivesCategories